Keep hurling your abuse and babbling and repeating your sad cliches. You’re so backed into a corner you can’t even come up with anything original anymore. Even Obama doesn’t contradict himself this much.
You’re so desperately blind scared that you’ve been caught making threats at people that you’re projecting anything you think will stick in order to keep the upper hand, like a petty little tyrant. Must be sad to be a person who can’t even stand behind the things they say. Another cyberbully, huffing and puffing threats from their mother’s basement.
I tire of your simple minded gradeschool stupidity. You’re not even a challenge. Just a little punk kid trying to play with the adults.
If you get this mad over message board posts, you really should seek professional help. I know it hurts you deeply to be called to the carpet on your absurdity, but dude, this is just a message board. I know that your fantasy of playing Johnny Rambo was dashed, but you shouldn't let that affect what limited sanity that you have left.
Oh yeah: