The virtues of kindness and generosity are enhanced by
Beauty in Women, and
Physical worth in Men
Beauty is a magnifier of Kindness
Worth is a magnifier of Generosity
But people get this all wrong
They grasp for Beauty,
forgetting it's proper function, Kindness
They grasp for Wealth/Status/Power,
Forgetting their proper function; Generosity
The virtues of kindness and generosity are enhanced by Physical worth in Men
Beauty is a magnifier of Kindness
Worth is a magnifier of Generosity
But people get this all wrong
They grasp for Beauty,
forgetting it's proper function, Kindness
They grasp for Wealth/Status/Power,
Forgetting their proper function; Generosity
Wonderful post!
Interesting thoughts, but I’m a little vague on the direct connection between Beauty and Kindness.
Worth and Generosity I get, but not the other connection. The most beautiful women are often the least kind.