Plum bull, the invidual props are about seventy feet long, and they move so slow you can stand and count the evolutions, the tip takes four seconds to make a revolution. And they make the same revolution no mater what the damn wind speed is. If you don’t produce 60 cycle power it will not mate with the grid. The old little ones had a brake speed control, the new big ones work off of the same principle of lift as an airplane wing for speed control. The prop rotates in the hub and controls the speed.
As for aero design, any windmill action comes from fluid dynamics (lift), whether old or new... it's just a matter of efficiency. Feathering just decreases efficiency and adds problems! I'm sure glad I don't have to repair them...
Plum bull, the invidual props are about seventy feet long, and they move so slow you can stand and count the evolutions, the tip takes four seconds to make a revolution.
70' blade. circumference 440'. tip speed 110'/sec. 75mph.
Not sure the birds will notice the difference.