they aren’t trying to save the plants, they sacrificed them when they started dousing them with sea water. They don’t know what to do. If it were as simple as pouring concrete on them, it would already be done. This is approaching as bad as it can possibly get.
Well, I’ve been following this somewhat closely. The Japanese authorities haven’t been forthright with information so I have to read between the lines.
What this report tells me is that they expect #3’s containment vessel to be melted-through soon and want to remove the water around it to prevent explosions. Explosions would spread the Pu-239 and U-235 containing fuel around the area and likely into the ocean too.
The MOX meltdown needs to contact the lining under the reactor vessel, not seawater if it is to be kept from exploding.
You CAN'T pour concrete on them yet. You have to cool them off first. Concrete is a thermal insulator. If you put concrete around it, the inside will get hotter and hotter.