Apps on our smart phones is none of the business of Congress, You would think theses leftist democrats would at least be failure with the text of either the 1st or 4th amendment.
But leftist care not for speech nor rights, only the effectiveness of their power and control.
The business of congress is largely ignored while congress searches endlessly for new excuses and ways to take away our ever dwindling supply of money and rights. Under the Federal Constitution of 1787 Congress should be concerned with neglected matters like:
* The wars and associated policys in: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.
* The gigantic 1.3+ trillion dollar federal deficit they have allowed to develop and their poultry efforts to cut that down by mere factions of a penny on the dollar.
* As Donald Trump and others have pointed out (and American business has felt for a great many decades) the trade policy & practices of the United States and our trading partners is anything but fair for Americans. Our businesses are excluded from foreign markets while our intellectual property is regularly stolen from us overseas. It is one of the prime duties of congress to stop this. Yet again Congress does little to nothing.
* The invasion of the South West is an ongoing and most pressing of concerns that congress should be dealing with, yet it does little to nothing.
* Like in our active wars both economic, and military we also have political wars of extortion being waged against us by countrys like North Korea attempting to make the American Taxpayer foot the bill of their country in exchange for peace. This is just another insult against America that Congress continues to neglect in favor of other less constitutionally authorize matters.
* The Federal reserve continue to utilize congresses coining money capability to recklessly bail out bad banks and companys while inflating our currency thus taxing our people. This matter too is something congress constitutionally should be addressing.
America faces a great many threats from almost all directions our lives, liberty, and property are threatened, while congress wastes valuable time and our resources attempting to deal with the domestic matters constitutionally the province of our States if not reserved to our individuals.
Believe It or not We NEED a Federal government, not two redundant State Governments much less a Nanny.