This is madness!! WHAT ARE WE DOING?????????
we are all suffering from letting rampant voter fraud carry the last Presidential election ,without resistance or much complaint . We also chose the wrong guy last time and got no help from the outgoing Admin .
We are suffering from the higher levels of the Mil being penetrated and now controlled by politically motivated career oriented types that are willing to just go along with whatever the suits are fumbling around with .
Notice how many hard core combat leaders are retiring .
There’s a reason for that , to our great detriment.
We laid down for what the evil Libs and progressives
successfully foisted on us . We have not challenged the fact that an insane mastermind financial wizard is behind much of what is going on . We just let them all get away with it .
Instead of serious push-back, we are relying on masses of disgruntled Tea Partiers , many of whom are octogenarians. What happened to the supposed militias ?
Granted , it’s a mess .