You are right. All those that proclaim it is all no big deal wouldn’t buy a home anywhere near a nuclear reactor.
This may not be a reason to panic, but it sure is a turnoff to a normal person.
Potter ain’t selling! Potter’s buying!
I'm about 6 miles from one, as the crow flies. Or, as the Plutonium flies. :-)
I can see Limerick Nuclear Power Plant from my driveway.
What’s happening in Japan is very serious... certainly the second most serious thing that’s happened there in the last four days. The chances of that calamity being replicated here are non-existent. So no, I was never the least bit concerned about living near a nuke plant and what’s happening in Japan has done nothing to change that.
"Normal person? I'd use the word, UNINFORMED person.
I lived within 25 miles of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania when it had a TOTAL meltdown. The redundant fail-safe mechanisms (containers within containers) CONTAINED the meltdown of ALL the rods.Not a single person was harmed in any way.
PS: Chernobyl had no such containers.
I suggest that if you didn't see Hannity's show this evening on FNC between 9:15 and 9:30, that you watch the re-run of the show later tonight.
Mar. 13, 2011, 4:55 PM
You Can STOP WORRYING ABOUT A RADIATION DISASTER IN JAPAN -- Here's Why - by Dr. Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT.
With Chernobyl we could blame it on Commie Engineering with Japan, we can’t.
Furthermore, the US nuclear industry likes to point to Japan as an example of nuke power done safely.