Do physicians no longer have the right to free speech?
Like I said, I’ve never asked a patient if he or she were a gun owner (unless it was to compare collections). If a doctor asks you if you are a gun owner and you don’t like it, let them know. If you don’t like their response, find a new doctor. Why do you need a law and a criminal punishment?
Are we that weak as gun owners that we don’t have courage and we need help from the government to solve this non-issue??
“Are we that weak?”
Hrm...just because YOU dont ask doesnt mean other dont...and even go so far as to DUMP patients who dont co-operate...
Abd since you ont ask the question....why do you care?
“Do physicians no longer have the right to free speech?”
You are really going to try and cloak a data gathering tool for the HHS as FREE SPEECH?
This isnt about’s about gun control...
Free speech? They are collecting information for a police state apparatus. WTF are you thinking?
When I was growing up back in the 50's and 60's we had a saying to the effect, "your rights end when they start to intrude upon my rights". Not trying to be difficult here Doc but I have a privacy right that as a doctor you must respect no matter whether you like it or not.
>Are we that weak as gun owners that we dont have courage and we need help from the government to solve this non-issue??
Sometimes it seems like it.