Trolls will never answer anything directly or commit to any stand on a position.
It keeps them from getting exposed.
“Trolls will never answer anything directly or commit to any stand on a position.”
I’ve answered every thread-relevant question posed. Have you?
He thinks he’s very clever using every trick in the troll book, openly.
1. Never answers questions; ever.
2. Lies - claims no one answers his questions, when they have, repeatedly. Totally, 100% ignores any comments anyone actually makes that are relevant to the discussion at hand (which is of course quickly buried under his BS onslaught).
3. Accuses others of insults after he’s done nothing else.
4. Keeps the discussion focused entirely on his great self and how smart he is and on how “stupid” and “dishonest” we are.
5. Uses innuendo, hints, false assumptions, snide comments constantly, along with passive/aggressive (less and less passive) snarkiness saturated with an extreme “Holier/Smarter than Thou” miasma which is extremely redolent of leftist over educated professors. I know whereof I speak in that regard.