Screw the politics...balance the budget.
Treat Americans like adults for a change. When things are properly explained, the people will respond.
The choice is some discomfort now or catastrophe later. And that choice was provided courtesy of the Democrats.
Dems will barbecue us at the voting booth if we did that - and when we're out of power they'll spend so much you'll wish we could go back to this time. Look what they did with "obamacare"... Took over a huge chunk of the economy. Now they mucking with business and tax incentives that will gin up the economy for 2012 - and will cause a crash we'll never get over. And you want to play naive? They would love to have us throw our supporters under the bus ... Look how the MSM is starting to question Republicans about Social Security. They want us to take the hit. IT WILL NOT STOP THE SPENDING. When dems dump us, they'll spend MORE - on their voters.
We need to cut EVERY program that basically serves democrats - ( that's everything except Social Security and Highway and Internet construction)