I’m speechless...
I have a novel idea. Why don’t they start each day with an assembly and have a prayer for each student as he or she starts the day. This prayer would be a Christian prayer because Jesus is alive and Allah is not. Besides, we were founded as a nation on Christian principles. If that offends, so be it.
I have been offended countless times by the radical left who have taken away our Christian heritage our founding fathers sought and have replaced it with secular humanism. Now we have guns in the schools, bullying, sexual perversions, and who knows what else. When a student prays, it is very difficult to be angry at anyone. It has tremendous healing power to bring everyone participating together as one body. Think about it.
I know it won’t happen but I am proposing it. Short of that, there’s nothing that will stop the deterioration of our schools. God and God alone through Jesus Christ His son is the answer to every problem faced in the public school system.