This is like the cops investigating themselves...
I believe the government GAO is lying and the redundancy, duplication, waste and endless layers upon layers of government programs are costing the tax payers multiple *trillions* in tax dollars. I believe this is all intentionally done for the specific purpose of growing government in order to have *complete* control of private sector America.
The tax hikes on the upper brackets possibly coming in 2012 would cost an estimated $700 billion over ten years. And there is an estimated half a trillion dollars in tax hikes over ten years in the health reform bill, to help pay for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
It is thousands of little kingdoms they all live to survive and they need programs to get funding.
Every kingdom wants to get bigger and get more of the pie.
We like to envision Government as a single organized entity but it is actually hopelessly fractured and disorganized. But as long as the monster is fueled with money it will only get worse and not better.
I truly wish the American people could see just how massive, wasteful and DANGEROUS these agencies are. Costly, accountable to NO ONE, redundant.
Time for them to GO...starting with the EPA and DOE.
Maybe a proverbial "chain saw" when they are found..
"We" need some Congressional LOGGERS...... call it the LOGGERS CAUCUS...
As imperfect as the GAO list may be, it would be good to use it as ANOTHER source of where to start making cuts.
CONSOLIDATION alone, DOES focus attention on the true totals for TYPES of expenditures, hidden by spreading the details out in separate authorities in separate agencies.
Some believe that separation is the achievement of blindness (can’t see the forest for the trees) or ignorance. Some of us believe part of it is intentional, and not accidental.
It doesn’t matter how any Congress critters allow it to happen, it amounts to willful negligence; always working on their next reelection and not what is best for the whole people.
Please. No pictures of Mooshelle’s ballast.
Thank you.
There is obviously something wrong with this picture when the masters starve and the servants get fat...
The only way to end the mess is to reduce every executive agency to its most basic functions:
with budget legislation that declares what those limited and certain basic functions are that will be funded
and that provides funds ONLY for those basic functions,
together with legislation that, in one bill, declares the END of all federal programs NOT DIRECTLY ADDRESSED in that budget (without even having to go and identify them - excluded by the fact that they are not included in the “clean house” budget law).
(Of course additional legislation needs to end various federal agencies and commissions altogether.)