***Chickaloon Villages submission asserts that the new open-pit coal strip mine in its traditional territory property....would contaminate local drinking water sources as well as rivers, streams and groundwater ..... religious and cultural practices.***
The Navajos , another Athabascan Indian group in Arizona, claimed the same thing many years ago (Really, I believe it was greenies from the 1960s trying to stop the mine that claiming that).
The mine at Coal Canyon still went into production and many Navajos hired on and had a great life working at the mine which fed slurry coal to California coal fired plants.
Then not long ago the greenies managed to get the California power plants to cease operation and the Az mine closed, throwing those same Navajos out of work, and boy did the Indians scream about being out of work!
And, oddly, it seems Uncle Sugar ripped off a ton of the coal money to boot.
The Califlowers will soon run out of electricity - and watch everybody else not cry over their misery.