But I have to ask, why does the FDA have this power? If my wife needed this drug and we had a prescription for it, then what right does the FDA have to tell me that I cannot go to a pharmacy and pay cash for this drug?
I hope the single women who support 0bama to the hilt take a note of this. Health care for women costs a lot more than it does for men, and once the government cuts what little is spent on men, it realizes the next target of "savings" is women.
“if you had a prescription for it”
maybe you won’t find a doctor who will go against the FDA and the uS govt and write a prescription for it, will you?
Obamacare makes it very very hard for a doctor to buck the system. It attempts to make aggressive medical care for some patients a “bad” thing. Eventually, the obamites will succeed in making most of society accept that people who want to live and whose care is very expensive- are “selfish”
Ironically this drug Avastatin is effective against other types of cancer such as colon and prostate- will it continue to be prescribed for them but not breast cancer?