Well there’s idiots on both sides of the ocean, that’s for sure. But Time is not an issue for us in responding regardless of the uproar that the US hasn’t said much to theis point.The Libyans have made it clear..THEY DO NOT want international help to fight this war within. But they so want support as this thing moves...and that is coming.
It does take time to get the international community, or even a nations leadership, on one page in the light of any unrest. And they are not going to tell us exactly what they are currently doing as they set the stage for what is ahead....and they shouldn’t.
Libya’s people have risen to the occassion to take back their country and are doing just that...and yes that means dying for their country as all countries have done for their freedom. When freedom has come to them they can take the glory..as that should be also. We will not know what has been done, is being done behind the scenes til after it’s over...and even then we’ll never know some of it.
Reports of loud explosions now...they’ve found bodies of soldiers who refused to follow TheDaffy in a mass grave...Hospitals forced to treat loyalist soldiers and refuse civilians...Tripoli airport under rebel control...At least one major Tripoli defense brigade has switched sides to rebels.
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