Oh man- he’s either got a tin ear or has the worst advisors on record. Or both.
If he comes out against it now... he looks like a flip flopper and opportunist that just wants to get elected at any cost and has no core principles.
He will make the same argument Obama is going to make, that it wasn't perfect and could and should be improved upon, but that it was certainly better than the status quo.
Mitt has lived a warped( sorry Mormons ), isolated life. Exclusive prep schools, Harvard law and MBA, finance, elite Mormon royalty circles, exclusive upper class neighborhoods.
Never once in a bar. No Romney male ever serving with those dirty non-Mormons in the Military( who knows what filthy habits Little Prince Mittens might of picked up ).
No local town government experience. Police,fire, schools, roads, lose dogs all to low rent of an experience for the Prince of Utah.