Teachers, as do our government employees and officials must enter into our world - the real world. Teachers can’t be fired for bad performance because of unions but the public sector can be fired at will. Teachers don’t pay anything toward their pension because of unions and neither does our gov. officials - the public sector pays into SS and their IRAs for their “pension”. Stop your whining at least you have a job! EVERYONE is going to have to give up something to save America. Obama administration does not seem to want to do that in any significant way. We either make the decision now to tighten our belts or we WILL HAVE to do it later (and later won’t be nice). Even if everyone tightens his belt (including our obese (Yes, Michelle,I said the O word), lazy, government, we are still the richest people on earth. DO IT NOW,or DO IT LATER but it has got to happen. Unions have become the enemy of the people of America - face it.
The politicians do not care any more for the well being of the people than the union does.