And I am proud to say I was one of those who left! Best move I ever made.
Me too. Moved 10 years. Great city, but fatally flawed with liberalism.
I was a highly skilled computer programmer in Chicago but couldn't find much work here in the Orlando area. I wound up commuting to Tampa 97.9 miles each way and even had to work in Jersey City NJ for three months just to pay my bills and put food on the table for my family.
The ONLY advantage Chicago has over Florida is employment and the fine arts as in Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the great Joliet American Legion Band. In fact, the ONLY thing I miss from Chicago is the Joliet band which I was a member of for 8 great years. I still follow the Cubs, Blackhawks and Bears down here whenever I can.
I retired back in 2000 after a car accident and haven't worked since. I can't say things are easy here but the weather helps a lot despite the hot summers.
In Chicago, it cost a lot to heat our house. Down here, it costs a lot to cool it. But at least the I don't expect to freeze to death. No more 25 below zero days for me. We only see a few days in the upper 30’s each year and I spend most of the year in t-shirts. That includes most of the winter.
Much of what I knew of in Chicago has ceased to exist with at least three of my former residences being demolished and replaced. My high school, Harrison Tech, which was a great school has been shut down and converted to a middle school.
The neighborhood I grew up in has changed to latin/Mexican and my old neighborhood of South lawndale is now known as ‘little village’. At least it was when I lived there.
I remember the race riots back in the early 60’s as well which revolved around the high school.