I agree but is she an American citizen?
Born in south africa this woman is about as American as Odumbo but she claims that title by marriage to a citizen. I am convinced she is also like the Zero a hater of what we love about America and she is an Enemy of the Republic. If witholding sympathy for such, for foreign and traitorous persons makes me worthy of banning then ban me now as I perceive we are divided by thus debate.
Is this the weakness that continually causes the Right to lose ground inch by inch to the Rats. They have no compunction to withdraw or ask fealty when in power and smite us with all their hate. How would our revolutionary forefathers acted in our times knowing good and evil by its fruit. We are in times of War like as not and I do recognize it to be so.
No aid to the Enemy do I give in word or deed till the the battle be ours and then we will little fear them.