Maybe I should have used ‘many’, but when one has been flamed and personally attacked over this issue as much as I have then it sure seems like ‘many’. There also the chance you have seen all the FR posting on this subject.
What say you gang? Chunga85; Lurker; FromLori; azhenfud; Wolfie; UCFRoadWarrior; servantoftheservant; blam; Oberon
Maybe if you didn't misrepresent others posts and didn't use words like 'bankster' and stuck with the facts you wouldn't be flamed?
org.whodat certainly seems to fall into the category of those who claim that there are no problems whatsoever with mortgage document processing with any bank.
Yeah... Kart’s been called everything but a pastrami sandwich over this issue. I’ve witnessed other Freepers calling him a Socialist, accusing him of thinking that everyone should get a free house, and telling him to leave FR.
I’ve seen the posts, read, and endured a minute portion of the name calling, and it’s been quite more than just a few. Rather than the rule of law prevail, there are some who’ve been so adamant that “deadbeats not get a free house” that the magnitude of the damage done to property law escapes them. Some have chosen to remain ignorant of the grievances even when case incidents, law citations, and court rulings have been presented.
To me - I’d rather see every home be given free and clear and the TBTF banksters insolvent than to see the federal government “have” to step in and over ride states’ laws or make law to cover the crimes in an effort to “straighten the mess out” caused by greedy banksters, because when/if ever they do, States’ will have forever lost their basic property rights.
The federal government is too big already and is failing. With entitlements and interest on current debt choking taxpayers to death while businesses move jobs out of the US because taxes are too high, if America’s “elite” leaders aren’t careful, this financial and economic crisis and then the destruction of law to coddle the elite could be a match in the tender box which finally sets the US on the same pathway of revolt as Tunisia, Egypt, and the other tilting dominoes.
Just say, “NO!”, to bankster amnesty.
Oh gosh yes I’ve seen people say terrible things and see them arguing in favor of the banks even when an article clearly shows the fraud on the part of the banks. They simply see a couple of sentences from the article and without reading it in full start in. They continue even after you specifically point out the facts in the rest of the article.
I call them Bankster’s from time to time free speech and all that I think we can call them what we like. And speaking of Bankster’s look at JP Morgan/Chase apologizing for over charging our service members like they did.
JPMorgan Apologizes to Veterans for Overcharges