I took a class from Russell Kirk years ago. He often quoted a friend as saying something to the effect of “The U.S. Constitution isn’t for export.” Our founding fathers came from a society where they had certain rights guaranteed. It was natural for them to organize their new country with similar freedoms. The people of the middle east (with the exception of Israel) do not share that history. They need to find their own way of self-governance. That it will happen any day soon is certainly complicated by the well-organized Islamic (i.e. evil) influence.
I am not convinced the people, as a whole, understand what self-governance is. Many are like woman who've been battered and abused. We have learned many Muslims suffer from PTS because of their culture and all which it permits. As I see it they are behind a rock and a hard place now.
No doubt a rough road for them to live with and accept what I think we'll see playout in this. Can they wait six months? Well the demonstrations by various groups, even before the Military has been given an opportunity to work, evidences they likely will have problems waiting for six months.