“... cause they don’t teach Phonics anymore?”
My older two were taught to read prior to kindergarten. I used the Hooked On Phonics material. Both were reading at proficient 2nd to 3rd grade levels by kindergarten (I am also teaching my 4 year old currently). Today, the schools teach “see and say”. That is also why the kids can’t spell. One issue that I had with the school is “age appropriate” reading material. I had to go to war with the school librarian to allow my son to take out fourth and fifth grade level books in first grade. He was interested in History and those books were reserved for the older kids. Finally, I said that he was not going to be permitted by me to take out the books that were below his level. I would take him to the public library and forgo the school library. Then he was permitted to take out the books that interested him. Just a thought.