If it really is a tax on seats (which I did not find on line), then there is an easy answer that can be inserted into the church bulletin: "To avoid cutting our services to those in greatest need, all pews have been removed for so long as the immoral tax on seats in each church imposed by City Administrator Mike Scanlon
The guilty party: Mike Scanlon
is in force. We regret the inconvenience to decent members of our congregation and especially to the elderly. Our pews will be reinstalled as soon as City Administrator Mike Scanlon mscanlon@missionks.org or the replacement to be named by Mayor Laura McConwell lmcconwell@missionks.org revokes this pew tax. It is our deepest hope that this tax wording was not chosen for the purpose of punishing our members while letting Islam have a free ride."
Church with pews - taxed
Mosque with no "seats" - not taxed?
Wouldn't that be fun?
“For churches, the tax is based on an assumption about the number of vehicle trips.
“Single family homes are assessed a fixed rate of $72 per year while 5.8 total weekly vehicle trips are estimated per worship facility seat to calculate the tax amount for churches,” ADF said.
From: Town taxes Christians for listening to sermons http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=242657#ixzz1Do0Zwysz
“The city has an oddly precise formula to calculate how much of churches’ coffers should go toward the fee. According to its logic, each seat on each pew in the church generates 5.8 car trips per week. “