Serving in the United States Senate (or House) is not supposed to be a lifetime position. If every senator served only two terms and every congressmen served only four terms, we wouldn't have nearly the problems that we now have inside the Beltway.
Kyl will be missed, but I am certian that he is not the only politician in Arizona with conservative credentials.
exactly, i think senate terms should be reduced to 4 years and all 100 should be elected every 4 years with the presidency, save costs.
Max 2 terms just like the Presidency and all house seats max of 4 terms.
These guys need to know the gravy train is not permanent.
AMEN AMEN and AMEN !! What has our country been reduced to? that we OWE good senators a lifetime appointment? If they are that good than the odds are their replacement will be just as good... if a “bad” one steps down it gives us the opportunity to make a case for a “good” one.. period..