IMO, Sarah will not run for president yet.
She’s doing what needs to be done at this time.
For me:
Don’t try to make YOUR religion law of the land.
Use YOUR own money for abortion.
I don’t care what sexual preferences you have.
The issue isn’t the sexual preference of some individuals who intend to attend CPAC. There is no “homosexuals not welcome” sign on the doors to the convention hall. The objection is to homosexuals forming a group and identifying themselves as such. They are not doing so because they live in fear of persecution and need to group together for protection. They are doing so in order to advance an agenda which is anti-conservative in nature. They seek not their constitutionally protected right to live as individuals and advance conservative principles, but to coerce the GOP into abandoning its defence of marriage and the military. As with the Log Cabin Republicans, this latest group’s real agenda is to embarass conservatives and insert a wedge issue into an event which should be an opportunity for unification. No conservative should support this type of factionalism with the conservative movement.
So, you just eliminated the Founders for consideration if they were alive and running today.