Would those idiot lawyers playing judges rather see a CIVIL WAR to restore our Republic OR would the like to get off their a$#$# and do their job?
The right answer is pretty obvious and WE THE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING
Taking over the entire health care system was kind of an “unusual step.”
“Change” results in lots of “unusual steps.”
What is it with these states that they feel it is necessary to ask permission from any branch of the federal government to reassert their 10th Amendment rights when it is all three branches who are usurping those rights? The states and the people are the most powerful branch of government. All they need to do is reassert their 10th Amendment rights by telling the federal government they will not comply with Unconstitutional Obamacare or any other Unconstitutional act of Congress!
“The Justice Department has already indicated it will oppose this request.”
Shouldn’t the Justice Department recuse itself from any involvement?
1. First, the JD itself is lawless, having demonstrated repeatedly its inability to even-handedly enforce the law;
2. Second, the administration it is representing is lawless, having demonstrated repeatedly its willingness to ignore judicial rulings in favor of implementing unconstitutional executive orders and statutes.