Go to the airport, Crim - and give yourself a PAT DOWN!
To: Crim
I support the Knights Templar - They learned from our Islamic brethren.
Godfroi de Bouillon was received by Sufi Mystics in the Holy Land - Why else were they surpessed along with the Cathars by Papal Decree- They had received the secret of secrets - along with a great deal of other knowledge gleaned from the arab world-
but I wouldn’t suspect you would know anything of the true Templar doctrine - other than mere conjecture - am I incorrect?
I know they put plenty of muslims to the sword....I call that a good start.
Your faith in the Federal Government is truly inspiring.
Your pimpimg for islam is truly pethetic.
I quit flying when they quit letting people smoke.
C’mon johnny jihad.....you can do better than that...