With very limited exceptions, hogs are sold on contract, not at auction. You should remember that the next time you claim to be a farmer.
Please realize that much of what you think you might know about farming may not be correct, or what other people know about farming.
Pigs don't need to be on the Atkins diet.
Ethanol is a big government boondoggle that is a huge waste that only survives because of government mandate and subsidies, both a government intrusion into the free market and antithetical to conservatism.
Please remember that the next time you claim to be a conservative.
Maybe next time, before you CLAIM to have any particular knowledge about farming, you should listen to the radio jingle of the Denio’s Farmer's Market and Auction. Very catchy tune.
Maybe talk to the people down at Denio’s. They would be very interested to learn that selling pigs at auction was such a rare event that saying you had experience with such would indicate that you were only CLAIMING to be a farmer!