It sounded just like the SNL version by Maya Rudolph—
only NOT FUNNY...can anyone out there, sing The National Anthem without making it sound like a 2 billion note train-wreck?
Oh-woah sayuhh-uUHHHUHUHUHUHH—cannnnnnnaaaaaa—youuuuu—seeeeeeeyaaaaAaaaaaAAaaaaAAaaa
(not to mention the lyric snafu)
Each singer has to mess it up in his/her own inimitable fashion.
I think they stretch out each syllable to maximize the amount of camera face time.
Remember when folks would sing songs without running up and down the scales besides???
Man, I hate that. American Idol and all the rest I can’t watch because 90% of the singers just run up and down the scales and throw in unnecessary vibrato and all sorts of goofy vocal gymnastics.
It’s a SONG! Just SING IT!