Brown doesn’t have a chance to get back in,anyway.His being elected was a once-in-a-lifetime-fluke,fueled mainly over fears of Obamacare...which the dems got passed even after they lost the filibuster-proof majority.So the main thing he was elected for he was made irrelevant over!
As far as catering to the gay vote,the GOP better take a look at what happened in Massachusetts this November,when their own chairman vowed to abandon the fight against same-sex “marriage” and other social issues,and the GOP got slaughtered spite of running a candidate for governor that was just as pro-gay as Deval Patrick,and an open homosexual for Lt.Governor!
GOP! You will NOT get the gay vote no matter what!
...But there ARE conservatives that WILL vote for you if you!
Brown already has $7 million in his campaign account. Mostly from conservative supporters.
He has been very shrewd by appealing to Independents in MA.
Libs have no clear/strong opponent.
His ties to Scott Lively will be used against him, quite rightly. But he will probably win.