I can’t stand to watch the news anymore.
I’m no English major, so I don’t really care about my syntax, composition, grammar, etc. all the time and I do errors, hillbilly, ebonic, whatever, when I feel like it.
But there is a LOT of crap out there.
I suppose if you can’t pass the fourth grade you can become a journalist.
No offense.
No, you’re absolutely right.
It’s after you do some learnin’ that you get the hell OUT of journalism....
Truth is I liked to write but couldn’t stomach the phony pose that I was some sort of standard that “ordinary” citizens were supposed to answer to. I ended up drifting toward doing only feature stories on people who did work I admired, or had written books I admired, or knew stuff about hunting and fishing that I wanted to learn.
Finally I just left the biz altogether...mister, the atmosphere in a newsroom is even more poisonously leftist than it seems on the page or on the air.
p.s. You “do ebonic”-—heheh...I’d like to see that...