It’s all very nice to be constantly saying to uniformed Americans, “thank you for your service to the country.” However, it is just as important to always recall that the military, like society itself, is made of a large percentage of intellectual misfits and general f-ups. The present composition of the JCS, with the exception of the Marine commandant, is a case in point. This academic is another.
I get your point, but let us be clear: The military is not made up a “large percentage” of intellectual misfits and general f-ups.” The cross-section of the military does not reflect the average cross section of the civilian world—which is a good thing because the civilian world is made up of a large percentage of intellectual mis-fits and general f-ups.
The military is made up of a large percentage of young men dedicated to this great nation, disciplined, proud and willing to sacrifice for a cause greater than themselves.
Basically, the military is made up of a large percentage of young men that are patriots.
Young men serve their nation, putting their self-interest second. Intellectual misfits and general f-ups are not drawn to that world.
Some are there, but hardly a “large percentage.”