They are more than willing to die for their cause.
More accurately they are willing to sacrifice their kids lives. You don’t see their leaders strapping a bomb on.
Terrorist deeds can be made far more expensive than the mere life of the individual bomber. As long as jihadis see the cause moving forward at a reasonable ratio of lives exchanged, they will continue to believe in the inevitability of eventual success and therefore the value of suicidal sacrifice. The pushback must deny them their ratio, i.e., it must be so vigorous for each such attack they become convinced the “time isn’t right.”
Then kill their families and all known associates and friends and burn all their houses and mosques down. Repeat as necessary
I will be more than happy to assist in their demise prior to them carrying out any attacks.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
They are more than willing to die for their cause.
That's a price they clearly ARE willing to pay. That's not what I'm talking about...