Obama isn't unaffected by disgrace...he is greatly affected by it.
He absolutely relishes what would be considered by others as disgraceful. It is in his shameful acts that the taunts the rest of humanity.
It is in this singular quality that one can comfortably say that Obama is demonic...the most evil man to ever have emerged on the public stage. Obama is comfortable in evil and vile situations the way a pig is in his sty. His otherwise shameful acts are downright artistic in their twisted delicacy.
A prime example is the use of Marxist tee-shirts draped over the seats at the Tucson memorial...and the way he perverted a sad ceremony for the dead into a raucous celebration of his ego. The cheers of the crowd at his display of narcissism were magnified greatly by the fact that they stood as insults to the dead for whom the memorial was intended.
Amazing to me that the world doesn't see the demonic subscript that Obama so carefully crafts for all to see.
Shameless generally connotes ongoing behavior of which a person of normal moral conscience would be ashamed but of which the “shameless” person refuses to be ashamed. The term can transfer from the behavior to the person who is exhibiting that behavior. It’s pointless pedantry to point out that a person who has not been carrying on in a manner of which to be ashamed is “shameless.”