Freudian slip, confusion or the truth leaking out?
It was in April 19, 2009, at a press conference Obama gave at the Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago, Obama commented on a 90-minute diatribe that had been delivered by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega at the meeting the day before, and Obama suggested he was born in January 1961, three months before the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Specifically, Obama rejected Ortega's attack on the United States for the attempted Bay of Pigs invasion during the Kennedy administration by explaining: "I'm grateful President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old."
What's more likely? That there was some conspiracy to pass Obama off as 8 months younger than he actually was or that he doesn't know when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened?
What's more likely? That there was some conspiracy to pass Obama off as 8 months younger than he actually was or that he doesn't know when the Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs invasion happened?
It was a long time ago ...
I doubt he was really paying attention to things back then either ...