Obama is a stooge for globalist elite one world governance and is doing what he is told in order to try and destroy this nation as a dominant force int he world. His dead-soul has bought into the mantra that there are just too many humans on the planet. As such, he has no reservation with slaughtering alive humans at their earliest age regardless of race because he sees that as serving the rpime directive from his father, which is the reduction of the disease infecting planet earth.
Jesse Jackson sold his soul for power; barry the bastard is a demigogue serving what he sincerely believes is in the planet's best interest, and if race serves his agenda, he will play the race card, if murdering the alive unborn and partially born and just born serves the agenda, he defends and promotes it. Jackson sold out to evil for his own empowerment ... Barry Dunham believes he is doing his god's bidding.
Well said, and thanks.