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To: Emperor Palpatine
and invade the sanctity of his private property

And one more thing.

Do you suffer from cognitive dissonance?

You seriously want me to worry about the sanctity of private property of guys whose major business partners are the most ruthless, vicious deniers of the right to own property in all of human history?

What is happening in these less-than-spontaneous events is exactly what happened to the property owners in Russia (1917), the Ukraine (1933-1935), in Red China (1949-now), in Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, jeez...the list is endless.

"Live by the sword..."

These companies are playing with fire. In the end, they will be no different from companies that tried to make deals with the likes of Castro, Chavez, Stalin, Hitler and...Mao.

When thug tyrants such as these come for their property and even their lives, who will they appeal to for protection? The very people they spit on? Why would we bother to save them?

Lenin's rope salesmen. Nothing more.

53 posted on 01/20/2011 3:33:25 PM PST by Regulator (Watch Out! Americans are on the March! America Forever, Mexico Never!)
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To: Regulator

Reread the story.

The house these union thugs and goons are going to picket is the home of the contractor who’s building the store.

NOT store management.

If you have an issue with management, then buy stock in the company and deal with them at the shareholders’ meeting.

I can only hope this builder avails himself of the “castle doctrine” when these gangsters from the SEIU show up.

BTW, people like you give us all a bad name.

57 posted on 01/20/2011 4:15:40 PM PST by Emperor Palpatine (I'm shocked! Shocked to find out that gambling is going on in here!)
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