Defund the good doctor and make him get a real job.
Either de-fund NASA, or kick them in the butt to refocus them. The “N” seems to stand for “Numbskulls” lately.
That’s cuz Global Warming is the only “emergency” he can concoct to ensure budget.
The Moon and Mars voting block is small....
Hansen: US Democracy Not Competent To Deal With Global Warming... Calls on China to Save Humanity
Note to Hansen, they won’t kill you last.
Dr. Hansen...Delta is ready when you are...
All I can say is - DUMBASS!
If this doesn’t tell us everything...
China has already rejected global warming theories.
Time for NASA to let this guy go.
See what happens when that hack scientist tries to pull of glo-bull warming on China.
Every totalitarian goes for the same 'solutions'... so creative.
Doesn't this idiot liberal understand that ALL totalitarian countries can move faster? None of the pesky stuff about ‘the people’ slows them down - nope, elitist like Hansen steamroll over the people in more ‘enlightened’ countries.
This is why NASA needs to be totally defunded.
It is now out of the space business, and is funding the only space-faring nation left, Russia.
If some other NASA scientist publicly took the unscientific political stands that this Hansen moron has taken for years, he would have been fired. Yet this clown continues to get world publicity for his erroneous views as a NASA scientist.
NASA is like the Lighthouse Service - its days are over. Close it up.
The 2012 election can't come soon enough.At this point, I have absolutely zero tolerance for RINO politicians mouthing 'compromise' platitudes. The stakes are too high to risk America's future on wishy-washy 'Republicans' that are more interested in receiving pats on the head from Charles Krauthammer and Karl Rove than the future of our nation.
A number of the Greek philosophers tried this. Become the #1 counselor of the benevolent (hopefully) dictator and you can rule from behind the throne.
This was the whole governing strategy fpr Confucius and his followers.
It’s also what Saruman proposed to Gandalf in the movie version of the Lord of the Rings.
MG, that man has a forked tongue. Literally. He must.
China is a still a COMMUNIST country as I know many here in the west tremble at China, but Communism has NEVER worked, because the people running china are just like the Communists running our government they are Morons!
Brings to mind Chairman Mao's Great Leap Forward.
That only cost somewhere between 14 and 50 million lives over the course of 3 years. From Hansan's twisted perspective, I suppose that would be a good thing.
Hansen bet millions the GW scam would go through. Now he has to pay the bet and isn’t happy. Another sourpuss fascist. Hey, doc, head on down to the bunker and join Fuhrer Al. Gaia thirsts for human sacrifice.