There is more to this Fuller guy than is being told by the media.
He showed up at the Shooters family house. Fox spotted him and asked him what he was doing there.
He said he wanted to (para) have some kind of healing with the family. Very weird.
What is in the drinking water in Tucson, is everyone a little nuts.
cheering memorials
death threats to Tea Party members
A lot of weirdness going on.
I think the police need to investigate this guy’s connection to Loughner. I would not be surprised at all if they were friends/acquaintances. Maybe they were both in on this together, I know that may sound far fetched but the way this guy talks, he sounds just like the gunman
ABC Town Hall will be about heated political rhetoric and civility....
and they might edit this out.
Think about it.
They will only show conservatives as bad and dangerous.
2. He was involved in a heated argument/fight with a Marine at the Giffords event, just prior to the shooting.
3. The descriptions of his wounds sound more like richochet than direct fire.
4. Visits the Loughne home after the shooting.
5. Is this guy friends with Loughner???
Did Eric Boehlert Research James Eric Fuller Before Championing Him?UPDATED
James Eric Fuller's Page at Hypnotic Thoughts: link
Goes by Thornking at Huffington Post: link
J. Eric Fuller on Facebook: link