I would remind everyone that a .22 that hits the target is far more effective than a .45 that misses. Even a .380 can be incapacitate someone with the right shot group.
I highly recommend the following banner for CCW holders. http://www.dsmsafety.com/home.html
Yes, it is not “manly” and yes it makes you look like a dork. But it could very well keep you from getting shot either by a cop of another CCW holder. After all, no one goes around wearing these things and it does make a person stop and think twice.
Normally stored in a pouch on the belt, it only comes out after the threat has been neutralized. It is designed to provide post incident identification and recognition. However, given the incident as described, I’m not sure it would save you from the purse.
Maybe if lots of people wore these before an incident...(just kidding)