Out-takes on Kate coming up now. Her kids had such a good time.
Oh onyx, that was the FUNNIEST episode!!
Loved when Sarah and her dad were talking about Kate.
They wound up looking into the camera, silent, with one those “Bless her heart” kind of looks.
Folks from Texas can intrepret that.
This show helps us to see that Sarah Palin can do just about anything.
Obama can ride a bike with deflated tires and hang curtains.
Sarah can mush, fish, hunt, pan for cold, ride an ATV, pack a freezer with fresh caribou meet, run a state,have 5 kids, run for miles a day, and club halibut into unconciousness.
Obama can play hoops—but not without 12 stitches in the mouth.
Obama is a political Kate Gosselyn.
Sarah is the antidote. The weenies in the Beltway and the Capitol know they can’t hold a candle to her.