Posted on 01/07/2011 6:11:40 AM PST by george76
I Have seen the future, and it doesn't work...
The reason is pretty simple: The Bernie Madoff-like Ponzi scheme of big government has been squeezing the productive class and redistributing its tax dollars and innovation to everyone else for years -- and is finally reaching its boiling point.
And the way things are going, we're probably not far behind.
Barcelona met the new year with the sort of subdued celebration that only 40 percent unemployment can bring. Once-swanky shops and restaurants along grand boulevards such as the Avinguda Diagonal remain vacant...
Across Europe, private-sector jobs are disappearing, while governments face imploding budgets, debt defaults and social unrest. Unless the new Congress can change things quickly, the same will most certainly happen here in America...
After all, this is President Obama's vision for our future, with universal health insurance and entitlements for all -- except, of course, if you own a small business or work hard ...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Actually, the whole thing begins to collapse as soon as the entitlement is enacted. It just starts slowly.
could? Will!
I think NObama plans to sieze all private pension plans—401 (k)’s, etc as soon as he can. He will try to tell those people that the country needs them to sacrafice to reduce the national cebt.
That is like asking me to pay off my neighbor’s $20,000 credit card & their $100,000 mortgage when I have scrimped to own my home outright & have a lower credit card balance.
It is rapidly coming & I think that this action by NObama will possibly be the trigger for Civil War II.
Well he's not going to be able to do that with THIS House in session. So you can relax at least until 2012.
What about executive orders?
Even without any state regulation and taxes we still have more than twice as high a corporate income tax as Canada.
It is nothing like that! Instead:
That is like FORCING me to pay off my neighbors $20,000 credit card & their $100,000 mortgage when I have scrimped to own my home outright & have a lower credit card balance.
If Obama manages to get re-elected, I predict one here within 10 years after he leaves office.
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