*** Now Im married. Before I wasnt. So Im buying this gun for 2 people, not just one. Any thoughts?***
Years ago backin the 1970s, Skeeter Skelton, writer for Shooting Times, extolled the virtues of the .44 Special while also giving good word to the .45 ACP, long Colt and .44 mag.
Then one day in an article about owning only ONE handgun, he said his choice would be...a S&W .357 mag with a 5 inch barrel.
You might see if your family members can operate a double action trigger of a revolver, then see if they can pull the slide of an automatic back.
With a DA revolver, unless they get a hammer less, they can always shoot it SA. Most people, myself included, can't hit squat at anything but the closest distance, shooting DA anyway because of the trigger pull being so heavy. Missing a skinny isn't that hard.
I have daughters...and they cannot rack a semi-auto every time..easily.
Not an issue with a wheel gun.