Palin better “clarify” soon.
If she supports sodomizing the military, that would be a killer for me.
Palin doesn’t need to clarify soon, just if she chooses to run. However, too many people are jumping the gun.
Stop, think and look at her record.
Palin supports the repeal simply because she doesn’t believe the government should be sticking their nose into the military’s business. I will wager big money that she views this similar to state’s rights that the military should set their own rules that work best for them as long as it allows those who want to and are eligible to serve. Our Constitution prohibits discrimination and Palin is a Constitutionalist. DADT is not what violates the Constitution, it is what happens if someone is outed that is against the Constitution. Sexual preference, gay or straight, should be made a non-diclosed issue for all. Our military trains warriors not exhibitionists.
Honestly, this makes me like her more. I would prefer a blanket policy of DADT, what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom for gay and straights. Sexuality has NO place in corporate America and it should have no place in the military. It should be irrelevant BUT sexual harassment will apply to anyone gay or straight, if they cross a line. That is something the gay community might not be prepared for.