First off, SS Medicare will have to restrict the pool of beneficiaries.
Second off, chain migration immigrants who have not paid into the system MUST be first to have benefits cut in the system before ANY American worker or spouses of workers have benefits reduced in the system.
Third off, chain migration immigrants who have not paid into the system MUST be removed from the system before ANY American worker or spouses of workers are removed from the system.
Fourth, military budgets must be reduced before ANY social welfare net benefits are cut to taxpayers.
Fifth, military personnel, active, veteran and dependents must not receive cuts that exceed those of the civil population. The current injustice of the cut off age for dependents on TriCare being a lower age than ObamaCare must be corrected for any good faith dialog to move forward.
Sixth, the costs of illegal aliens, ponzi scheme pension obligations, bloated payrolls and predatory Wall Street bond underwriters on the budgets of municipal, county and state governments must be addressed as those deficits are causing the local and state governments to default on their bonds and default on their pension and medical benefits coverage plans.... leaving the Federal taxpayers through the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). The pension collapse tsunami has started... Federal pension programs will not survive is every sub-Federal pension program falls into receivership of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).
Seventh, the Tea Party needs to get real about their “consitutional view of Limited Government” because SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Military budgets, and Federal highway and transportation subisides that allow Americans to live suburban lifestyles must be on the chopping block equally to other programs.
Eighth, Lindsey the tart is the least liked Senator on both sides of the Republican party and both sides of the aisle when it comes to brokering real fiscal controls and reductions upon the American Federal budget.
Ninth, any and every media outlet, however small or large, that repeats verbatim Graham’s agitation or gives Graham a platform to repeat his newest propaganda... is an enemy of the people of this country and enemy of the continuing functioning of the North American economy.
Cut welfare and all entitlement programs FIRST. Do not destroy our military.
Oh? you mean the same people who live suburban lifestyles that pay the taxes to those services?
How egalitarian of you. What do you have against people living lifestyles that they're earned?
In light of your comment that the military budget must be cut before social welfare entitlement expenditures, I'd say you're a bleeding heart socialist.
Do you support reparations and wealth distribution as well?