"-drug testing for anyone on welfare, food stamps, Section 8, WIC -immediate cessation of any benefits for anyone breaking the law -work required by everyone receiving benefits. Even if you cant walk you can still contribute in some way. -Begin reducing benefits to unwed mothers. Cut them drastically if they get pregnant again. Thats just for starters."
Why not eliminate these programs and leave it to the states to replace them if they should choose to do so?
Entitlements and the charter to "print" money are a recipe for certain doom.
151 posted on
01/02/2011 12:29:24 PM PST by
(USS Tarawa, VQ3, USS Benjamin Stoddert, NAVCAMS WestPac, 7th Fleet, Navcommsta Puget Sound)
“Why not eliminate these programs and leave it to the states to replace them if they should choose to do so?”
Because then you end up with situations like CA, and NY. It must be mandated a higher level.