I have zero interest in getting into the flame war that has erupted on this topic but as you are a supporter of using Means Testing FIRST to address the Country overspending dysfunctionality let me ask 2 questions, and seriously please don’t just flame away because I am not interested in that type of discussion.
1 - why should the GOP use this approach FIRST? Would this NOT be just the way the Pelosi / 0bama Socialists would WANT this to be addressed? I mean, why not first go thru every gluttonous spending account or program initially, forcing cuts of that stuff FIRST?
2 - if we were to acquiesce to the hard Left and officially remake this as a Federal Welfare Program why wouldn’t you demand that the Left admit that this was always a Socialist Program as a prerequisite because they KNEW it was going to implode eventually (this would have legs to the 0bama Care debate, right?) AND for the love of God ALSO demand that we can now STOP paying into this SS disaster and allow those of us who will no longer be eligible to opt out and put “our so-called” retirement funds into commercial investments in lieu of this ponzi scheme?
I apologize in advance if you are feeling attacked, that is NOT what I am intending - I sometimes do not have the greatest “bed side manner” and I am being serious.
This is not first - it is in addition to. Means testing does not come close to the spending reductions required.
2 - if we were to acquiesce to the hard Left and officially remake this as a Federal Welfare Program why wouldnt you demand that the Left admit that this was always a Socialist Program as a prerequisite because they KNEW it was going to implode eventually (this would have legs to the 0bama Care debate, right?) AND for the love of God ALSO demand that we can now STOP paying into this SS disaster and allow those of us who will no longer be eligible to opt out and put our so-called retirement funds into commercial investments in lieu of this ponzi scheme?
If you wait for the left to admit anything, it will never happen. These choices are no longer 'political' choices, there are no options left. Now is the time we need to focus on getting it done as the politics are now irrelevant (look at California - it is simple to see).
Both questions are insightful.
I believe the issue of the debt and deficit are emergencies that must be dealt with right away. I would prefer to see an across the board cut of 25% in all Federal entitlements today, with additional 5 % cuts every year for the next 5 years AT LEAST. I believe that ANY cut is a good cut and will settle for whatever we can feasibly achieve politically.
The Left admits nothing. What I find so surprising is that "conservatives" are still advocating for continued...even increased expenditures in these programs under the guise it's due to them.
That's ignorance. SS was never a retirement program. Ever. It was always a welfare program.
It's the left that argues "you paid in so it's owed to you". It's a Marxist lie used to manipulate the ill-informed.