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To: wagglebee
"Has it occurred to you that the wealthy seniors paid into Social Security, it's THEIR MONEY, not Zero's, not Graham's and not yours. "

That's the BIG LIE and only stupid people believed it.

Once the government took that money (essentially at the point of a gun) it was the governments to do with as they pleased.

Sucks, but that's the way it is.

122 posted on 01/02/2011 12:01:46 PM PST by Mariner (USS Tarawa, VQ3, USS Benjamin Stoddert, NAVCAMS WestPac, 7th Fleet, Navcommsta Puget Sound)
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To: Mariner; wagglebee; bamahead; trisham; little jeremiah; DJ MacWoW; sickoflibs; rabscuttle385; ...
wb: "Has it occurred to you that the wealthy seniors paid into Social Security, it's THEIR MONEY, not Zero's, not Graham's and not yours. "

mariner: That's the BIG LIE and only stupid people believed it.

Once the government took that money (essentially at the point of a gun) it was the governments to do with as they pleased.

Sucks, but that's the way it is.

Just wow.....

Do you always consider that that what a thief stole then becomes his property once he's in possession of it?

Have you ever heard of a *representative republic? That the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people?

The government is not (supposed to be) some kind of separate entity which produces its own wealth or is permitted to engage in extortion.

That money was promised to the people from whom it was taken, without their permission.

Whether there once was an opt out option is irrelevant at this point. People now have no choice about the government illegally absconding with their money, just as it does illegally with income tax.

It IS our money. It's not theirs once they taken it. Your property is still your property even if someone took it illegally aka... stole it.

224 posted on 01/02/2011 2:04:12 PM PST by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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