By reason of this UN farce do Mexicans have legal title to the areas occupied by Americans as a result of the Mexican-American War? The current occupant of the White House, due to his hatred of this country and its people, may just authorize transfer of title.
By reason of this UN farce do Mexicans have legal title to the areas occupied by Americans as a result of the Mexican-American War? The current occupant of the White House, due to his hatred of this country and its people, may just authorize transfer of title.”””’
How about the land covered by The Louisiana Purchase???
That would mean that Mexico would go back to Spain. It would also mean that blacks would go back to Africa and reclaim their land.
Several million well-armed Texans might have something to say about that. What exactly? First we’ll play along if obastard wants to kick Texas out of the US. But Mexico will have another thing coming if they think we’ll be ruled by them.
The Republic of Texas would so just fine on its own. Frankly, the fedgov and states like California need us FAR more than we need them!