Don’t you know? Allah, The Koran forbid looking in the mirror.
They’re like the Blob in that old Steve McQueen movie, and if you think so called moderate Muslims have the courage to stand against them, you’re nuts. They’re scared stiff of Jihadists. Anyone who speaks up against them will be on their hit list. And the MSM is already calling the King hearings McCarthy like. May they roast in youknowwhere.
More surprising info here.
IMHO, and having studied this a bit, the only resolution is expulsion from the US of anybody that pledges adherence to Shariah law.
That may sound draconian. But Shariah law and Democracy are completely and totally incompatible.
Lord, I hope so.
I thought they couldn't see themselves in the mirror.
Oh, wait....
That's vampires.
Never mind.